Harriet Tubman
Underground Railroad Visitors Center
- Museums
- Non-Profit
- Documentaries

Lincoln’s Toughest Decisions
President Lincoln’s Cottage
National Trust for Historic Preservation
- Museums

Transformation: Building the RMA
Rubin Museum of Art
American Public Television
- Museums
- Documentaries

The Furniture of Sam Maloof
Renwick Gallery
of the Smithsonian American Art Museum
- Museums

Chevy Chase, Maryland:
A Streetcar to Home
Chevy Chase Historical Society
- Non-Profit
- Documentaries

Masterpieces of The Leiden Collection
The Leiden Collection
- Museums
- Non-Profit
- Documentaries

Welcome to VideoArt Productions
VideoArt Productions creates award-winning films for corporations, nonprofits and museums. When you hire VideoArt, you will work with Producer Martin Huberman to transform your vision into a reality. Based in Washington, DC, we work with clients across the U.S. and consistently delivery great media on time and on budget. We view the creation of a film as a collaborative process and offer ideas and solutions to fit the particular project. We pride ourselves in being easy to work with. This is why we have long-standing relationships with some of the most highly regarded institutions in the country. To discuss your next video project contact us today.