Chevy Chase, Maryland:
A Streetcar to Home
Chevy Chase Historical Society
- Non-Profit
- Documentaries

Maryland Public Television
Using still pictures, oral history voiceovers, original interviews, original video shooting, an aerial shoot and original animations, we created a beautiful thirty-minute film that tells the unique history of Chevy Chase, Maryland.
To tell the story we made great use of historical photographs, doing much of the photo research independently In, among other places, the archives of the Chevy Chase Historical Society, the Montgomery County Historical Society, the Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, the Washingtoniana Division of the District of Columbia Public Library, the Historical Society of Washington, DC, and the archives of The Washington Post.
We also worked with a talented animator to create maps that clearly help to advance the story.
The piece aired multiple times on WETA and all of the stations of Maryland Public Television.