First Ladies: Steadicam Walkthrough
National Portrait Gallery
Smithsonian Institution
- Museums

Remote Interviews: A Tribute to Hung Liu
National Portrait Gallery
Smithsonian Institution
- Museums

Exhibition Tour Films
The National Portrait Gallery opened its major exhibition "Every Eye Is Upon Me: First Ladies of the United States" when museum visitor ship was severely impacted by the pandemic. So they turned to VideoArt to bring the exhibition to life — for their online visitors. With just one day of shooting we got the material we needed to produce:
- a 10-minute curator's tour of exhibition highlights
- a 10-minute steadicam walkthrough of the entire exhibition
- a 30-minute sit-down interview between the curator and an expert on first ladies
- a 5-minute IGTV film for Smithsonian social media
Then, in post-production, all films were tightly edited with additional video and stills — and open-captioned in English and Spanish.
The Portrait Gallery is thrilled the results and additional projects will follow.